The Lusitania Story which was first published in the U.K. October
2002 by Leo Cooper, an imprint of Pen & Sword Books is still
proving to be the definitive Lusitania book and has now been
updated and re-published in a 2015 Centenary edition.
Also available at Amazon UK Amazon US
Although THE LUSITANIA PLOT first appeared in 1979 under the
title ATTACK THE LUSITANIA!, it has not aged at all. With 2015
being the centenary of the disaster, there are a number of books
coming out which, like this one, are a work of fiction set against the
disaster. What separates this from the rest is the fact that this is
easily one of the very best.
This book's plot centres around the age-old conspiracy theory that
Winston Churchill, who was then First Lord of the Admiralty,
wanted the Lusitania sunk so as to bring America into the war on
the side of the Allies.
Raymond Hitchcock adds the twist that the Admiralty, not entirely
certain if the Germans would actually go so far as to attack such a
famous liner, decided to do the job themselves and then have the
Germans blamed for it.
In order to write good "fact-tion" you have to get the facts
themselves absolutely straight. You must also make sure that the
plot is utterly believable,the characters must be entirely credible
and that there are no holes in the story. Raymond Hitchcock has
achieved those aims superbly well.
This book is right up there with such masterpieces as Jack Higgins'
THE EAGLE HAS LANDED, such is the quality of Hitchcock's
writing and imagination.
Having thoroughly enjoyed reading it, I have absolutely no trouble
in recommending this book to anyone, and if there are any film
producers or directors out there looking for a suitable project, look
no further. This book everything you need.
Mitch Peeke
Amazon UK Link
This new 26 minute documentary tells the sad story of Capt.
William Turner – last master of the Lusitania – and his appalling
treatment at the hands of the British Establishment.The film
includes rare archive footage of Great War u-boat operations and a
dramatised reconstruction of Turner’s crucial evidence to Lord
Mersey at the Board of Trade Inquiry.
The production is narrated by Richard Mitchley and directed by
David Doré – the same team that brought you ‘Titanic Arrogance’.
AVAILABLE NOW ON DVD RRP including VAT is £8.95Trade price
£4.00 net of VAT Another Title DVD is titled
Titanic Arrogance
Please order from:
Spa Films
6a Tonbridge Road
Tunbridge Wells
Tel: 01892 824565
Watch A Damned Dirty Business online
Comments and suggestions to
Although DEBRIS is a work of fiction based around the real life
event of the 1915 sinking of the Lusitania, it could just as easily
form part of the real story of that cataclysmic event. So real are Len
Abram's characters, so inextricably intertwined are their lives and
their parts in the grand scheme of things, that they are all totally
believable. In telling his story, Len's attention to detail is nothing
short of astounding. One minute you the reader are aboard a
German U Boat, hearing all the creaks and groans of a submarine,
feeling the tension as the boat lurks unseen, stalking it's prey; the
next you are in America, among the capitalists, then the Ukraine,
breathlessly willing the entirely innocent Hannah to escape the evil
clutches of the Czarist Police and following her throughout her
ordeal and subsequent encounters with the underground
revolutionaries and ultimately; her involvement with the German
Intelligence service and her falling fatefully in love.
But it is not all about Hannah. Far from it. There are so many
characters involved here that the pace is fast and furious. This book
is nothing short of a literary maelstrom which takes the reader on a
whirlwind journey through a fascinating period of American and
European history. Len's description of being aboard the grand liner
Lusitania, conjours up such a vivid vision of the shipboard life of
those times, that you feel you ought to check your ticket!
DEBRIS is simply Len Abram's latest masterpiece; a real page
turner from start to finish and you will not want to put it down!
Len Abram's novel DEBRIS is now available through
Amazon US and Amazon UK
A German submarine sank the RMS Lusitania on May 7, 1915,
causing the death of 1,200 civilian passengers. This horrifying
crime began the chain of events that dragged the United States into
the First World War. In this historical novel, set in New York City in
1915, an insurance investigator and his fiancée have undertaken to
assist a stevedore’s widow unjustly deprived of her husband’s life
insurance benefit. But the couple then find themselves
unexpectedly in possession of the suppressed, secret truth about
the Lusitania’s cargo and for this reason under threat from German
and British spies, Irish republicans, a rogue socialist, New York’s
waterfront criminals and the newly-created Bureau of Investigation.
The gripping story unfolds in thrilling scenes that sustain the
suspense and finally leads readers into a long-suppressed truth.
Amazon link
How The Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended
WW1 by three-and-a-Half Years.
By Jim MacGregor and Gerry Docherty. Published 2018 by Trine
Day LLC.
This 512 page book tells the shocking story of the REAL origins of
"The Great War". Forget what you were taught in school because
that was a very scrubbed-up and highly sanitized account,
presented to you by those who had more than a vested interest in
maintaining those lies. The many, many thousands of ordinary lives
that were lost or changed forever, were deliberately sacrificed,
purely in the joint names of power and profit. And what HUGE
profits they were!
This revealing and shocking book has been diligently researched
and superbly written. Every statement, every fact has been cross-
checked and verified. The 512 pages are the story. There are a
further 53 pages listing their sources and bibliography.
You will be shocked to discover just who DID start that awful
carnage, because it was NOT Germany. In actual fact, Germany
was the LAST nation to mobilize its armed forces.
That's just ONE of the many, many revelations this well
documented book has to offer the reader.
Having read it myself, all I can say is that I now KNOW why my own
research was officially obstructed 23 years ago. I KNOW why the
late Greg Bemis hit SO many brick walls in his endeavours.
"Missing" documents, "Lost" documents, "Misfiled" official archives,
deliberate obfuscation. ANYTHING to prevent the real and
shameful truth from becoming known.But as the saying goes:
Sooner or later, the truth will out! This book goes a VERY long way
to achieving that worthy aim. You may well find the truth hard to
take, but it is out there! Seek and ye shall find! You'll find a huge
amount of it in this highly compelling book, I can assure you!
Click on each image for full details.
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